Vendor Central

  1. Do you own your ASINS

  2. Are your warehouses balanced between in-network and direct fulfillment

  3. Is your multibox and kits set up properly

  4. Do you feature A+ content

  5. Is your pricing strategy reflecting the knowledge of timed contract change (co-ops, freight)

  6. Are your items set up in the correct categories

  7. Are you participating in coupons, promotions (best deals, lightning,)

Seller Central or 3P

  1. Are you winning the buy box

  2. Are you letting 3Pā€™s own your ASIN

  3. Do you have the correct inventory position strategy

  4. Do you have a program to answer consumer questions

  5. Do you have a product review campaign

Amazon Advertising

  1. Our average ACOS is below 20% and our average ROAS is above $8

  2. We are certified by Amazon Advertising

  3. We have a direct Amazon Advertising Manager